Take This Course

Course Descriptions

This course is an introduction to key concepts, principles and practices in language testing and
assessment, and in the broader area of course and program evaluation. The course is designed
for education professionals with a general interest in language assessment, and for those with
a specific professional role in this area. You will explore approaches to design, delivery and
alignment of language assessment – of language skills and underlying competences such as
grammar. You will also examine alternative approaches to assessment, and implications of
digital and online delivery.
Location: Online
Experience: Teachers involved in testing, assessment and evaluation in their professional
Language Level: B2 or higher
Course Length: 4 weeks-15 hours
Course Dates: 
29 May-23 June 2023
3 July-30 July 2023
Course Fee: 4500 TL
Tutor-led and highly interactive
Live and asynchronous eLearning platforms
Testing, Evaluation and Assessment covers the following areas:
• The key principles in the field of testing, assessment and evaluation
• How to develop your skills as test designers and evaluators
• How to allow for further development after the course
• How to evaluate the full range of test types, assessment procedures and examinations
• How to offer well-informed leadership to your colleagues and institutions in the fields of
testing, evaluation, and assessment
• Making the testing and assessment coherent with the teaching
• Testing and assessing the full range of communicative skills; profiling
• Basic statistical issues in testing: item analysis and test evaluation
• Critical review of exams: what should we look for in an EFL exam
• Testing and assessing young learners
• ‘Authentic’ modes of assessment: self-, peer- and portfolio assessment
• Testing and the new technology: the role of computers, and Internet
Time will be built into the course for reflection, to consider how to adapt the content to your
own professional context. We then support you in creating a strategy for putting your ideas
into practice in your institution.

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